Ungkapan-ungkapan dalam berekpresi ada pada bagian pembahasan materi bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA/SMK/MA kelas 12. Ungkapan-ungkapan ekpresi ini biasanya tertuang pada sebuah dialog atau percakapan.
Pada dialog tersebut terdapat beberapa ungkapan yang telah kami rangkum untuk memudahkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi ekspresi di dalam materi bahasa Inggris. Berikut beberepa ekpresi yang telah kami rangkum.
Expressing Pleasure/Displeasure (Menyatakan rasa senang/tidak senang)
Ungkapan (Pleasure)
I’m so happy hearing The news
I feel delighted / exited
How happy to meet you here
I’m very pleased to be with you again
Ungkapan rasa tidak senang (Displeasure)
I feel bad about this
I’m really sad to see the situation
The costumers feel unpleased with…
The joke didn’t make me happy at all
Expressing Agreement/Disagreement (Menyatakan persetujuan/ketidaksetujan)
Ungkapan setuju (Agreement)
I agree with your opinion
I can go along with that
I think so
That’s what I want to say
I buy that idea/I like your idea
Ungkapan tidak setuju (Disagreement)
I disagree with you
I cannot go along with that
I don’t think so
I wouldn’t say that
No, I don’t like the idea
Expressing Sympathy (Menyatakan simpati)
Ungkapan simpati pada sesuatu yg menyenangkan:
I’m glad to hear that
Nice to hear that
I’m happy for you then
How exiting!
Ungkapan simpati pada sesuatu yg tidak menyenangkan:
I’m (very) sorry to hear that
Please accept my condolences
I know how you feel
You must be very upset
How awful!
Inviting someone/Invitation (Mengundang seseorang)
Ungkapan umum yang biasa digunakan: let’s + be + adj/ let’s+ V base + N
Bisa juga dalam ungkapan:
I would like to invite you to my birthday party
Can you drop by my house after school?
Would you like to attend the meeting?
I wonder if you’d like to come to my wedding party.
Expressing Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction (Menyatakan rasa puas / tidak puas)
I’m very pleased with …..
I’m so happy about this
What a beautiful story!
It is with great pleasure that…
It gives me great satisfaction …
I cannot think of anything better.
It is disappointing that…
What an awful meeting!
It’s not as good as I thought.
What else do you think I should do?
Expressing Obligation / Non Obligation (Keharusan/ketidakharusan)
All students must obey the school rules.
You must submit your assignment next week
If you want to pass the exam, you must study hard
Your mother said that you had to go home now
Non Obligation
I don’t have to go home soon
You don’t have to return my book immediately
We don’t have to do observation for the assignment
The workers must not have lunch at the canteen
The child doesn’t have to do all the housework by himself
Expressing Surprise (menyatakan rasa terkejut)
I don’t believe it
My goodness!
That’s amazing
That’s very surprising
Are you serious?
And so on
Asking for Apology (meminta maaf)
Sorry, I could not visit you yesterday
I’m really sorry for my mistakes
We apologize our late arrival
I am really sorry about that.
Other expressions:
Advise (nasihat) : kata-kata yang di gunakan advise, should, should have, ought to
Suggetion (memberi saran) : kata-kata yang digunakan
Perhaps you need…
Why don’t you?
We’d better have a break for lunch now.
Terkadang bisa juga dengan menggunakan Should tergantung konteksnya
Pride (rasa bangga) : kata yang digunakan pride or proud (V2)
Permission (meminta izin) : kata-kta yang digunakan can I … ?, may I …?, do you mind if…?
Opinion (menyatakan pendapat): what do you think….?, what is your opinion..?, what about…?
Ungkapan umum yang biasa digunakan: let’s + be + adj/ let’s+ V base + N
Bisa juga dalam ungkapan:
I would like to invite you to my birthday party
Can you drop by my house after school?
Would you like to attend the meeting?
I wonder if you’d like to come to my wedding party.
Expressing Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction (Menyatakan rasa puas / tidak puas)
I’m very pleased with …..
I’m so happy about this
What a beautiful story!
It is with great pleasure that…
It gives me great satisfaction …
I cannot think of anything better.
It is disappointing that…
What an awful meeting!
It’s not as good as I thought.
What else do you think I should do?
Expressing Obligation / Non Obligation (Keharusan/ketidakharusan)
All students must obey the school rules.
You must submit your assignment next week
If you want to pass the exam, you must study hard
Your mother said that you had to go home now
Non Obligation
I don’t have to go home soon
You don’t have to return my book immediately
We don’t have to do observation for the assignment
The workers must not have lunch at the canteen
The child doesn’t have to do all the housework by himself
Expressing Surprise (menyatakan rasa terkejut)
I don’t believe it
My goodness!
That’s amazing
That’s very surprising
Are you serious?
And so on
Asking for Apology (meminta maaf)
Sorry, I could not visit you yesterday
I’m really sorry for my mistakes
We apologize our late arrival
I am really sorry about that.
Other expressions:
Advise (nasihat) : kata-kata yang di gunakan advise, should, should have, ought to
Suggetion (memberi saran) : kata-kata yang digunakan
Perhaps you need…
Why don’t you?
We’d better have a break for lunch now.
Terkadang bisa juga dengan menggunakan Should tergantung konteksnya
Pride (rasa bangga) : kata yang digunakan pride or proud (V2)
Permission (meminta izin) : kata-kta yang digunakan can I … ?, may I …?, do you mind if…?
Opinion (menyatakan pendapat): what do you think….?, what is your opinion..?, what about…?